Our season started like this: to sink your hands, legs and hearts in our most beautiful dream on a bike, to cross the Alps by bike. It started in May from Munich to Ferrara, from Germany to Italy, for the seventh edition of the #RandoImperator, the European randonnée. Before starting to dream again and starting the preparation for next year, here are finally the photos of the 2022 edition (sorry for the delay). Seeing smiles encrusted with mud, hunched and wet backs, red eyes and vented lungs always makes an impression. Moreover, to think about what is behind these images: authentic cyclists and cyclists, who from all over the world come to the heart of Europe to try to do what we do best, to us pedalers: to do it, together.

Look the complete Rando Imperator 2022 album here: witoor.com/rando-imperator/rando-imperator-2022

Photos by Flavio Perazzini

🇪🇺🇪🇺 Rando Imperator returns in May 2023 🇪🇺🇪🇺
Munich – Bolzano – Ferrara
By bike from Germany to Italy in 2 days