The European Randonnée
10th Edition
Ferrara - Munich - Ferrara 1200 km
May 1-2-3-4, 2025
Munich - Ferrara 600 km
May 3-4, 2025
Munich - Bozen 300 km
May 3, 2025
Bozen - Ferrara 300 km
May 4, 2025
Go down in history with this series of randonnée along the ancient Via Claudio Augusta, a road dating back to the Roman Empire, one of Europe’s longest and nicest touristic cycle routes today.
Three randonées will be held on May 3rd and 4th, 2025 on the AUDAX ARI calendar: 300 km’s from Munich to Bolzano, 300 km’s from Bolzano to Ferrara and the 600 km challenge from Munich to Ferrara: a unique way to cross Europe by bike.
And to celebrate 10 years of Rando Imperator, we are doubling the track: in 2025 you will also be able to choose the new 1200 km route, from Ferrara to Monaco and back, from 1st of May to 4th, 2025.
Two days to get from Munich to Ferrara on a bike: an idea that inspired cyclists across Italy and abroad. Participants from all over the world faced the Alps’ climbs every edition: how many of you this year? Witoor is ready to offer you an unforgettable event for its 10th edition through a mix of bike love and tourism: from Germany to Italy passing through Austria, different landscapes and views, from mountains to plains.
Participants will be a part of history pedalling through the woods of Bavaria, the Austrian dirt climbs, along rivers and breathing nature’s perfume.
1-2-3-4 maggio 2025
Zero Edition - It'll be Audax Brevet in 2026
170€ early bird(online)
Between 7.30 am and 8.00 am
1260 km
Altitude difference
+ 9150 m
Road surface
Asphalt and gravel (10%)
88 hours (average 15km/h)
Cycle path
95% of the route
May 3-4, 2025
BRI/ARI Brevet
600 km
80€ early bird(online)
Between 4.30 am and 5.00 am
Altitude difference
+ 3400m
Road surface
Asphalt and gravel (10%)
43 hours (average 15km/h)
Cycle path
95% of the route
May 3, 2025
BRI/ARI Brevet
300 km
45€ early bird(online)
Between 4.30 am and 5.00 am
Altitude difference
+ 2600m
Road surface
Asphalt and gravel (18%)
23 hours (average 15km/h)
Cycle path
95% of the route
May 4, 2025
BRI/ARI Brevet
300 km
45€ early bird(online)
Between 5.30 am and 6.00 am
Altitude difference
+ 760m
Road surface
21 hours (average 15km/h)
Cycle path
95% of the route
Randonnée (literally “long-distance ride”) was born in Italy, in 1897, but established roots in France in the last century, developing a licence system that regulates events. It has returned to Italy since 1993 and a rich calendar of events is managed by Audax Italia. Randonées are non-competitive rides, they are spontaneous gatherings among cyclists that forget about stopwatches and set on long rides only driven by genuine sportsmanship.
Rando Imperator is a randonnée that follows the path of the ancient via Claudia Augusta: built during the Roman Empire, it is now a cycle touristic path that takes your breath away, crossing the Alps between Bavaria, Austria and Italy.
Witoor promotes since 2013 its own version of randonées: a more personal and less competitive use of bikes where each participant build their own story through passion, effort and enthusiasm.
Choose your Rando Imperator: 600 km from Munich to Ferrara, 300 km from Munich to Bolzano, 300 km from Bolzano to Ferrara. And to celebrate 10 years, from 2025 you can choose the 1200 km route from Ferrara to Monaco and back.
Why do I have subscribe?
Start from Munich at dawn
Arrival to Bozen and Ferrara
Brevets 300km / 600km
Via Claudia Augusta cycle path
Through Alps (Germany, Austria, Italy)
Refreshment points
6 for 600km brevet, 3 for 300km brevet
No competition, just passion and effort
Official products