Riders come from all over Italy and from the rest of Europe: they are passionate about the Rando Imperator, the randonnée that will once again connect Munich, Bolzano and Ferrara on a two-day trip from Germany to Italy. On Saturday 5 and Sunday 6, May 2018 this cycling experience without borders gets to the fourth edition and confirms the route along the ancient Via Claudia Augusta, a Roman Empire road that nowadays is a beautiful cycling path. Feel a real randonneur and discover a unique itinerary, from Bavaria to Emilia Romagna, from the Alps almost to the sea.

The Rando Imperator is in the Italian Audax calendar and it’s the only randonnée in the European scenario that crosses four States: Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. It’s composed by three brevets, involving year after year a growing number of participants (over 180 in 2017 edition): one is a 600km brevet from Munich to Ferrara, and two are a 300km brevets, from Munich to Bolzano and from Bolzano to Ferrara. The journal Soigneur has included the Rando Imperator among the 22 memorable experiences that a cyclist can live: «A gem of a ride, this rando from Munich to Ferrara. In a couple of stages, riders leave the Bavarian forests, climb the Alps, and descend toward the Italian plains, where good food and smashing weather — hopefully — reward fatigued coureurs».

Organized by Witoor Sport settled in Ferrara, Italy, the Rando Imperator combines the love for cycling in an unique touristic experience, thanks to a spectacular route starting from the Isar River in Munich and ending in front of the Estense Castle in Ferrara. There are no borders for the riders and the bike has the power to keep together different territories. Those who ride are animated by the same spirit of adventure and by the desire of being doing it together. An idea that inspires italian cyclists and many other from all around Europe: the last edition has been attended by 186 riders, and this year, after the opening of online registrations, we already have the feeling of an increase in participants.

The Rando Imperator promote a more personal pedaling, less competitive: an opportunity to valorize the territory in an active and engaging way, thanks to a route plenty of very particular landscapes. It starts in the early morning in Munich, it crosses the Bavaria and the Tyrol, it enters in Italy from the Pass of Resia, it descends down to Bolzano and then along the Adige River and Garda Lake, it passes through Mantua and finally it arrives in front of the Castle in Ferrara. The riders can choose three different types of routes: the Munich-Ferrara (600km), starting at 4:30 Saturday, May 5 and arriving the next day; the Munich-Bolzano (300km) on the 5th of May and the Bolzano-Ferrara (300km) on the 6th of May. Most of the route runs on the cycling path, following the European itinerary of the ancient Via Claudia Augusta, the road built by the Romans two thousand years ago. A linear route that dipending on the chosen brevet it can last for two entire exiting days.

The randonnée are long and very long distances rides without the need of looking at the chronometer: born in France in the nineteenth century, are now filling a rich calender of events affiliated to Audax Italia. Witoor, to feed this healthy cycling approach, organizes five refreshment points also used as check points (stamps are needed to obtain the final brevet). Apart from Munich and Ferrara, the riders can also refuel in Garmisch (GER), Pass of Resia, Bolzano and Mantua. Witoor also organize the transfers from Ferrara to Bolzano and Munich the day before and the day after the event plus the accomodation in the three cieties.

Bolzano is once again the focal point of the Rando Imperator: in fact in the city will be accommodated part of the cyclists, and from the city centre, Piazza Walther, on Sunday morning, May 6th will depart the randonnée towards Ferrara. The event confirms to be important for the promotion of the Via Claudia Augusta, a cycling way placed in many tour operators’ packages. In fact this 600 km long path is considered one of the most beautiful cycling routes in Europe, sorrounded by history and amazing landscapes over the Alps. It’s an ideal way for tourists interested in active holidays.

A long ribbon of 600km that holds together different countries and people. It’s made of bikes, rain, sun, effort, loneliness and connections. An occasion to write another page of history in the footsteps of the ancient Roman road. The list of scenarios crossed is endless: from climbs to descents, and this leads to the origins of the bike adventures, when the unknown of the world and of ourself was the fuse that lit up the pioneer. The randonneurs from all over Italy and from the rest of Europe are ready to join this international event with a linear path that enhances the travel and the discovery.

As explained by the organizer Simon Dovigo, President of Witoor Sport: «Those who has joined the Rando Imperator confirm that it’is the most fascinating experience that can currently have a randonneur in Europe. Rando Imperator aspire to become the most exciting European randonnée. The goal is to reach 200 participants, involving the World’s Audax club that we are contacting these days».

Partner e Informations

The Rando Imperator is organized by Witoor Sport in collaboration with the Azienda di Soggiorno of Bolzano, with the support of Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) Landesverband Bayern and the Municipality of Ferrara.

For further details and inscriptions: info.
The event will be told “live” on Witoor’s social channels: #randoimperator


Phone: +393402611427
Email: fabio@witoor.com


– Press release (.doc): light version | long version
High resolution pictures (by Giacomo Brini)
2017 Edition – Video